SK11 TIJ Solvent Dye Based Black Ink

SK11 is the most popular solvent dye based black ink. It is general used  on non-porous materials like plastic, glass, metal with high adhesion, long de-cap time , sharper darkness and good flow. It has a wide range of adaptations, no matter hp 45si or IUT 300s, 308s or Uniplus ink cartridges and bulk ink system,it has a great performance. Widely use to fill fresh and remanufactured cartridges.


Ink ModelSK11
Ink TypeSolvent dye based ink
De- cap Time10 hours under normal condition & environment
* Not guaranteed specification.
Recommend Printing ParameterVoltage: 8.8V Pulse width: 1.9μs
* Conduct test before use. The suitable parameter may be different depending on printer.
Pulse WarmingOFF
Dry Time300*300dpi,1-5 sec (depend on substrates)
Shelf Life of Ink9 months
Use / Storage Condition15℃ ~ 35℃ / 30% ~ 80% RH
Storage Temperature5℃ ~ 30℃
DefoamingNo necessary
Suitable Cartridge typesHP45si, IUT300s,308s,309s, Uniplus solvent base print cartridges