What’s Marshal print mode of G10+ & G11 TIJ on line printer

Marshal print mode  is a more friendly way to the complex printing such as round-trip printing/reciprocating printing, you can quickly and easy achieve the desired printing effect by setting different parameters of each group of data which separated by separator.

Marshal print mode

Note: Only available on the G10+ which software version ≥v4.18 and G11.


1.Basic buttons introduction:

[+] : add a new group of data.

Move up: move the selected group up.

Move down: move the selected group down.

Copy: copy the selected group.

Delete: delete the selected group.

Basic buttons of Marshal print mode

Demonstrations video:

2.What settings can be set of  Marshal mode?

There are 8 settings can be adjusted on Setting settings when using Marshal print mode. Including Group name,Print mode, Encoder direction, Print delay, Repeat printing spacing, Repeat print, Horizontal direction switch and Vertical direction switch.

Note: On G10+ only can set the group name and Repeat printing spacing.

Marshal settings

8 settings of Marshal print mode

Demonstrations video:


3. Round-trip printing/reciprocating printing

After click the reciprocating printing, all original groups will be mirrored, and their settings can be set independently.

Demonstrations video:




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